March: companionship in the time of covid19

March: companionship in the time of covid19

Hi friends,

In light of our president’s announcement a few hours ago that he would close the borders to citizens returning from Europe and then the follow up announcement from Homeland Security that he can’t do that but they might quarantine us in internment camps, I’ve changed my return date! I should be back in Fairbanks Friday night.

I thought none of you would want to see me, but I have been getting inquiries. On the one hand, I have no symptoms and haven’t been in any high risk situations. On the other hand, I was at one very crowded attraction where a lot of people were speaking Italian just a couple days before the Italian border closed and I would really hate to be Alaska’s patient zero. Back on the other hand, my bills do want to be paid…

As soon as I land I’ll try to get tested, and if I’m not patient zero I’ll be available Sunday/Monday in Fairbanks. Email me to book – – cause my phone is in Alaska. I don’t meet the criteria to be tested. I’ve been advised to self quarantine for 14 days.

After that, I’m gonna hide out at home in the woods like my elders advise until this is over. Wanna help me survive the apocalypse? I made a wishlist:

Sex workers: need a free place to ride out the pandemic? Love rice, beans, isolation and chopping wood? I’ve got a guest cabin for you.



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