Hi, it’s me, your quarantine companion.

Hi, it’s me, your quarantine companion.

Wondering what a lady like me can do for you in a time like this? Let me fill you in:
This morning my friend told me I’m like a sexy life coach slash good friend, so I made this poster about it. Also my mom sent me a spoof of that Adele song with a guy very sadly singing through his window, “hello from the inside,” and I don’t want that to be you.
I have lots of snow and natural lighting to take almost any kind of picture you desire. You’re the director, I’m the model and photographer.
Here’s my fantasy: you decide this is the perfect time to hole up in a beautiful space with a hot tub (I can recommend some airbnbs!) and fully equipped kitchen with a hot lady, plenty of good cooking ingredients, Netflix, card games… do you like chess? Are you up for the slow torture of a game of strip cribbage? Want to immerse ourselves in tantra or a fetish role play for two weeks?

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